
About the project

Project of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the United Nations Development Program «Providing Assistance to the Government of Republic of Kazakhstan to Implement the Green Economy Transition Concept of Republic of Kazakhstan and Institutionalize the Green Bridge Partnership Programme»

The concept of transition to a green economy, approved by Presidential Decree No. 577 of May 30, 2013, determined a list of priority tasks, mainly aimed at reforming certain sectors of the economy. As part of the transition to the Green Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, it is expected to increase the efficiency of the use of natural resources, improve the existing infrastructure and improve the well-being of the population. The project "Providing Assistance to the Government of Republic of Kazakhstan to Implement the Green Economy Transition Concept of Republic of Kazakhstan and Institutionalize the Green Bridge Partnership Programme”aims to assist in the practical implementation of the Concept for the transition to a Green Economy by providing support in developing the institutional and legislative framework necessary for the development of such areas of the green economy as solar energy, sustainable fisheries and aquaculture, and also by enhancing international cooperation within the framework of the “Green Bridge” Partnership Program.

One of the most promising areas of renewable energy is the development of Solar energy. The Sun is an inexhaustible, permanent, environmentally sustainable and freely available energy source, which can be used for providing energy for heating, electricity and hot water.

Having a high degree of insolation and a large number of sunshine hours per year Kazakhstan is one of the promising regions of the Earth for the development of solar energy.

Having adopted the Concept for the transition to Green Economy, Kazakhstan have decided to fully implement Renewable Energy Sources.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to introduce new technological processes, increase the level of knowledge and awareness, which promote the development of alternative energy sources. Creation of the Interactive Atlas of Solar Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan will expand the potentials of using solar resources.

About the Atlas

The information in the Atlas of Solar Resources is presented in various forms - interactive maps, output tables and graphs:

Functionality of the Atlas of Solar Resources:

General functionality (selection and visualization of cartographic layers from the atlas set, selection of base layers, map navigation function, scaling, legend viewing, “identification” tool, measuring tool (distances, areas), viewing reference information about the cartographic layer;

Selecting and exporting data for the selected point (table, graph);